Friday 10 July 2015

This is my first attempt at a blog.
About me

I will be celebrating my 55th birthday this month and will be retiring from the NHS after 36years full time service - 30 years of those as a Neonatal Nurse. In the previous years I had worked as a General Nurse and as a Midwife. I have spent the bulkof my career in the maternity and Neonatal Setting. 

It has been a priviledge but also disconcerting to know that some of the babies I delivered and cared for will now be adults and parents themselves. Especially as in my head I still feel like that girl that started all those years ago.

I have always enjoyed writing and thought that I would write about being a young retiree and the joys of new found freedom but mostly I want to write about the lovely subject of Neonatal Care and the world of the premature baby that has been the backbone of my life so far.

I sometimes think we provide complex information to parents who have to assimilate this at the same time as cope with the stress of the situation.

At the same time I think as professionals we fail to explain some of the basics in simple terms, things that I think are at the very core of what we do.

Some other random information about me is that I am a passionate football fan and a supporter of Manchester City FC - a football mad female. I have been married to my lovely husband John for 30 years in September. He incidentally likes football but is an armchair and is 'not tribal', his description of having a fanatical allegiance to one club.
I have an ageing Border Terrier, Murphy, I enjoy cooking and watch endless cookery programmes on TV. I also enter competitions as a hobby and enjoy the Theatre.

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